
Sud Tyrol Dolomitis


Dolomitis are made up of red-colored pointed rock mountains because of magnesium riches. It's called an arm of the Alps, but it's completely different from the Alps. The altitude of the mountains is between 1600 and 3800 meters. On average, superskis around 2,200 metres. More accurately, since the snow that is not in Germany and Austria is in Italy, you can ski to the most beautiful place in the area. The valley we stayed in was suitable for Langlauf, and everyone was coming there for the langlauf. We drove to another daga every day and slipped got one card for 12 dags.we gave you €214 per week.we went to different mountains for 4 days, the last day we went to was in marmolada, and you were very scared. Blizzard, snow storm and ice everywhere. It was hard for us, and I was even really scared.we decided to take a break the next day because of the fear of the weather, which was tired for four days. We went to Bozen. Meran, Cortina, Bruneck are circus towns to visit but cokos. There's furry women everywhere, full of expensive shops. It's not possible to eat at any time, they're eating restaurants or evening hours. Unfortunately, the comfort we're in Germany is not there. And they're not flexible at all, you want something, they don't understand it first, and then they say they don't.

We went to the archaeological museum in Bozen ( and we saw Ötzi (ice man) in 1991. It was very interesting. I'm very excited.5,000 years ago, a man who lived in the sun was embalmed from the sun and protected all this time without losing any speciality between the ice. Their clothes, their tools, everything's exactly what they're doing. The people who found it, thought one of the dagers was dead, called the police, then went there, and the man's inspiration began to examine a strange, scientists, and a lot of new information was obtained. Because he's old, but the tools he used were 500 years before the virgin and the virgin's day. So it turned out that the virgin was actually starting earlier. There's a picture of the mountain where Ötzi was found. We were skiing very close to them a day ago.


Anyway, after this relaxing day, we slipped where we liked it the most for two more days. It was wonderful, it was deep blue and attached to the sun.
We went to Brixen and Inssbruck to celebrate Craig's birthday. I've loved Innsbruck, one of the oldest mountain towns in Austria. It's a place where there's a lot of circuses around the city, as it is. Swarovski is the first to be produced here. Mozart's father's house is there. The river's passing through you.
Anyway, yesterday we arrived in Munich safely, we went to the sauna first. After skiing, people really want to go to the sauna to relax, but italy doesn't have much sauna culture. We found one public sauna in all The Leech, and that was €27 per person and it was very bad. Some of the hotels had saunas, we wanted to go to them, they just didn't let them, they wouldn't even let us eat in any hotel restaurant. There are such meaningless strict rules, it's impossible to go out.
The price of 1 hotel with 4 stars in the same valley was €150 per night (our place was a comfortable, immaculate hotel with a three-star and very nice breakfast, sahane view). For those who want to go, we gave £45 per night people per night. There is no such thing as room price in Italy, it is calculated on the person and unfortunately the place is very expensive. But I can't say it's too expensive for food and drink.
We ate pizza and pasta almost every day. Because he's going to the restaurant, there's a very formal setting and they're waiting for you to eat at least three cesit. There's a sequence of everything and you can't just sit around and order something. That's why there's a restaurant-cafe-bar called Pizzeria and Tratorria.
Of course, there's no smoking anywhere, and everyone's getting into this. There are chairs outside every cafe's restaurant, and there are chairs, and the passage that wants to drink the sigari is out, no matter how cold it is. I started smoking two cigarettes a day at the end of the week. You get it right away and you don't call at all. I hope it's banned everywhere.
photos:dag:mirino, ötzi, ötzi2


some of the other mountains we went to (Marmolada, Cortina, SaiserAlm)Pinar
Pinar Young

Published by
Pinar Young

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